Music Lessons
Recording Studio
I’m interested in music lessons. What should I do?
Simple! Contact us to schedule a FREE trial lesson. No Strings attached! We want you to experience a lesson with with one of our exceptional instructors before signing up.
If I sign up am I locked into a contract?
Nope! The commitment is monthly. All we need is a weeks notice to cancel or pause lessons. If you decide to stop or pause lessons before getting all the lessons you paid for that month you will be issued a credit that can used for lessons in the future or merchandise.
How long are the music lessons?
We offer 30 and 60 minute lessons for private, small group and Jam classes.
What does it cost to record my music?
There are many factors involved in answering this good question such as; what is the instrumentation? How many musicians are in the band? What are the lengths of the songs? How well rehearsed is the band/artist? What is the genre of music? Is this a demo or a full production album? These are just a few questions we would need answered in order to give you an accurate estimate. Lets just say, some projects have cost as little as $50 and some in the thousands for full production albums. The bottom line is that we want to help you create a successful recording according to your vision within a manageable budget. We love to meet with bands/artists to discuss how we can help them to make great recordings and make a plan that accommodates all their needs.
What kind of credentials do the music instructors have?
All of the instructors at AOMS are uniquely gifted in many ways to inspire students to reach their full potential. Many of them have degrees and training from esteemed collages such as Berklee School of Music, Boston Conservatory, UMass, North East College of Communications & more. All of the instructors have experience playing in bands and many of them are still active in the current music scene. Some have even been on TV, radio and performed with famous musicians.
If I have to reschedule a music lesson, what is the policy?
All we require is a notification of 24 hours or more to ensure your eligibility for a make up lesson. You can notify the instructor directly or the studio.
I need help writing and completing my music. Can AOMS do that?
Yes, we help musicians with composing, arranging and recording to name a few. Our Artist Development program is specifically geared towards helping musicians from start to finish. From learning an instrument to booking your CD release party we can help.
My band wants to record a new album. How fast can it be produced?

PLease take a look at our FAQ, we may have answered your questions already. If you still have a question please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shorty. Talk to you soon!