Recording & Production Workshop
Music Lessons
Recording Studio

This program is geared for the audio engineer that wants to expand upon their understanding of intermediate recording concepts and touch upon advanced recording techniques.
The class is focused primarily on the using of actual gear and hardware and then tied in with the digital domain via plug-ins within a DAW. We feel this brings a greater perspective for better use of the gear whether real or virtual. Classes integrate teaching with hands on experience and are held throughout all of Studio A. Based on the students performance in the class and the mock recording session, students may be eligible to become interns at AOMS.
Next set 1 session starts Saturday, October 17th. The cost is $349. Register now to hold your spot!
Topics will include:
Drum and instrument micing techniques, routing and operating a large recording console, microphone types and applications, vocal production, mixing techniques (on protools), about studio outboard gear and how to use, etc.